2025年1月3日大约 12 分钟
1. 功能介绍
IoTDB具备Java原生客户端驱动和对应的连接池,提供对象化接口,可以直接组装时序对象进行写入,无需拼装 SQL。推荐使用连接池,多线程并行操作数据库。
2. 使用方式
- JDK >= 1.8
- Maven >= 3.6
3. 读写操作
3.1 ITableSession接口
3.1.1 功能描述
3.1.2 方法列表
方法名 | 描述 | 参数 | 返回值 | 返回异常 |
insert(Tablet tablet) | 将一个包含时间序列数据的Tablet 对象插入到数据库中 | tablet: 要插入的Tablet对象 | 无 | StatementExecutionExceptionIoTDBConnectionException |
executeNonQueryStatement(String sql) | 执行非查询SQL语句,如DDL(数据定义语言)或DML(数据操作语言)命令 | sql: 要执行的SQL语句。 | 无 | StatementExecutionExceptionIoTDBConnectionException |
executeQueryStatement(String sql) | 执行查询SQL语句,并返回包含查询结果的SessionDataSet对象 | sql: 要执行的查询SQL语句。 | SessionDataSet | StatementExecutionExceptionIoTDBConnectionException |
executeQueryStatement(String sql, long timeoutInMs) | 执行查询SQL语句,并设置查询超时时间(以毫秒为单位) | sql: 要执行的查询SQL语句。timeoutInMs: 查询超时时间(毫秒) | SessionDataSet | StatementExecutionException |
close() | 关闭会话,释放所持有的资源 | 无 | 无 | IoTDBConnectionException |
3.1.2 接口展示
* This interface defines a session for interacting with IoTDB tables.
* It supports operations such as data insertion, executing queries, and closing the session.
* Implementations of this interface are expected to manage connections and ensure
* proper resource cleanup.
* <p>Each method may throw exceptions to indicate issues such as connection errors or
* execution failures.
* <p>Since this interface extends {@link AutoCloseable}, it is recommended to use
* try-with-resources to ensure the session is properly closed.
public interface ITableSession extends AutoCloseable {
* Inserts a {@link Tablet} into the database.
* @param tablet the tablet containing time-series data to be inserted.
* @throws StatementExecutionException if an error occurs while executing the statement.
* @throws IoTDBConnectionException if there is an issue with the IoTDB connection.
void insert(Tablet tablet) throws StatementExecutionException, IoTDBConnectionException;
* Executes a non-query SQL statement, such as a DDL or DML command.
* @param sql the SQL statement to execute.
* @throws IoTDBConnectionException if there is an issue with the IoTDB connection.
* @throws StatementExecutionException if an error occurs while executing the statement.
void executeNonQueryStatement(String sql) throws IoTDBConnectionException, StatementExecutionException;
* Executes a query SQL statement and returns the result set.
* @param sql the SQL query statement to execute.
* @return a {@link SessionDataSet} containing the query results.
* @throws StatementExecutionException if an error occurs while executing the statement.
* @throws IoTDBConnectionException if there is an issue with the IoTDB connection.
SessionDataSet executeQueryStatement(String sql)
throws StatementExecutionException, IoTDBConnectionException;
* Executes a query SQL statement with a specified timeout and returns the result set.
* @param sql the SQL query statement to execute.
* @param timeoutInMs the timeout duration in milliseconds for the query execution.
* @return a {@link SessionDataSet} containing the query results.
* @throws StatementExecutionException if an error occurs while executing the statement.
* @throws IoTDBConnectionException if there is an issue with the IoTDB connection.
SessionDataSet executeQueryStatement(String sql, long timeoutInMs)
throws StatementExecutionException, IoTDBConnectionException;
* Closes the session, releasing any held resources.
* @throws IoTDBConnectionException if there is an issue with closing the IoTDB connection.
void close() throws IoTDBConnectionException;
3.2 TableSessionBuilder类
3.2.1 功能描述
3.2.2 配置选项
配置项 | 描述 | 默认值 |
nodeUrls(List<String> nodeUrls) | 设置IoTDB集群的节点URL列表 | Collections.singletonList("localhost:6667") |
username(String username) | 设置连接的用户名 | "root" |
password(String password) | 设置连接的密码 | "root" |
database(String database) | 设置目标数据库名称 | null |
queryTimeoutInMs(long queryTimeoutInMs) | 设置查询超时时间(毫秒) | 60000(1分钟) |
fetchSize(int fetchSize) | 设置查询结果的获取大小 | 5000 |
zoneId(ZoneId zoneId) | 设置时区相关的ZoneId | ZoneId.systemDefault() |
thriftDefaultBufferSize(int thriftDefaultBufferSize) | 设置Thrift客户端的默认缓冲区大小(字节) | 1024(1KB) |
thriftMaxFrameSize(int thriftMaxFrameSize) | 设置Thrift客户端的最大帧大小(字节) | 64 * 1024 * 1024(64MB) |
enableRedirection(boolean enableRedirection) | 是否启用集群节点的重定向 | true |
enableAutoFetch(boolean enableAutoFetch) | 是否启用自动获取可用DataNodes | true |
maxRetryCount(int maxRetryCount) | 设置连接尝试的最大重试次数 | 60 |
retryIntervalInMs(long retryIntervalInMs) | 设置重试间隔时间(毫秒) | 500 |
useSSL(boolean useSSL) | 是否启用SSL安全连接 | false |
trustStore(String keyStore) | 设置SSL连接的信任库路径 | null |
trustStorePwd(String keyStorePwd) | 设置SSL连接的信任库密码 | null |
enableCompression(boolean enableCompression) | 是否启用RPC压缩 | false |
connectionTimeoutInMs(int connectionTimeoutInMs) | 设置连接超时时间(毫秒) | 0(无超时) |
3.2.3 接口展示
* A builder class for constructing instances of {@link ITableSession}.
* <p>This builder provides a fluent API for configuring various options such as connection
* settings, query parameters, and security features.
* <p>All configurations have reasonable default values, which can be overridden as needed.
public class TableSessionBuilder {
* Builds and returns a configured {@link ITableSession} instance.
* @return a fully configured {@link ITableSession}.
* @throws IoTDBConnectionException if an error occurs while establishing the connection.
public ITableSession build() throws IoTDBConnectionException;
* Sets the list of node URLs for the IoTDB cluster.
* @param nodeUrls a list of node URLs.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue Collection.singletonList("localhost:6667")
public TableSessionBuilder nodeUrls(List<String> nodeUrls);
* Sets the username for the connection.
* @param username the username.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue "root"
public TableSessionBuilder username(String username);
* Sets the password for the connection.
* @param password the password.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue "root"
public TableSessionBuilder password(String password);
* Sets the target database name.
* @param database the database name.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue null
public TableSessionBuilder database(String database);
* Sets the query timeout in milliseconds.
* @param queryTimeoutInMs the query timeout in milliseconds.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 60000 (1 minute)
public TableSessionBuilder queryTimeoutInMs(long queryTimeoutInMs);
* Sets the fetch size for query results.
* @param fetchSize the fetch size.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 5000
public TableSessionBuilder fetchSize(int fetchSize);
* Sets the {@link ZoneId} for timezone-related operations.
* @param zoneId the {@link ZoneId}.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue ZoneId.systemDefault()
public TableSessionBuilder zoneId(ZoneId zoneId);
* Sets the default init buffer size for the Thrift client.
* @param thriftDefaultBufferSize the buffer size in bytes.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 1024 (1 KB)
public TableSessionBuilder thriftDefaultBufferSize(int thriftDefaultBufferSize);
* Sets the maximum frame size for the Thrift client.
* @param thriftMaxFrameSize the maximum frame size in bytes.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 64 * 1024 * 1024 (64 MB)
public TableSessionBuilder thriftMaxFrameSize(int thriftMaxFrameSize);
* Enables or disables redirection for cluster nodes.
* @param enableRedirection whether to enable redirection.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue true
public TableSessionBuilder enableRedirection(boolean enableRedirection);
* Enables or disables automatic fetching of available DataNodes.
* @param enableAutoFetch whether to enable automatic fetching.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue true
public TableSessionBuilder enableAutoFetch(boolean enableAutoFetch);
* Sets the maximum number of retries for connection attempts.
* @param maxRetryCount the maximum retry count.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 60
public TableSessionBuilder maxRetryCount(int maxRetryCount);
* Sets the interval between retries in milliseconds.
* @param retryIntervalInMs the interval in milliseconds.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 500 milliseconds
public TableSessionBuilder retryIntervalInMs(long retryIntervalInMs);
* Enables or disables SSL for secure connections.
* @param useSSL whether to enable SSL.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue false
public TableSessionBuilder useSSL(boolean useSSL);
* Sets the trust store path for SSL connections.
* @param keyStore the trust store path.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue null
public TableSessionBuilder trustStore(String keyStore);
* Sets the trust store password for SSL connections.
* @param keyStorePwd the trust store password.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue null
public TableSessionBuilder trustStorePwd(String keyStorePwd);
* Enables or disables rpc compression for the connection.
* @param enableCompression whether to enable compression.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue false
public TableSessionBuilder enableCompression(boolean enableCompression);
* Sets the connection timeout in milliseconds.
* @param connectionTimeoutInMs the connection timeout in milliseconds.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 0 (no timeout)
public TableSessionBuilder connectionTimeoutInMs(int connectionTimeoutInMs);
4. 客户端连接池
4.1 ITableSessionPool 接口
4.1.1 功能描述
ITableSessionPool 是一个用于管理 ITableSession实例的池。这个池可以帮助我们高效地重用连接,并且在不需要时正确地清理资源, 该接口定义了如何从池中获取会话以及如何关闭池的基本操作。
4.1.2 方法列表
方法名 | 描述 | 返回值 | 返回异常 |
getSession() | 从池中获取一个 ITableSession 实例,用于与 IoTDB 交互。 | ITableSession 实例 | IoTDBConnectionException |
close() | 关闭会话池,释放任何持有的资源。关闭后,不能再从池中获取新的会话。 | 无 | 无 |
4.1.3 接口展示
* This interface defines a pool for managing {@link ITableSession} instances.
* It provides methods to acquire a session from the pool and to close the pool.
* <p>The implementation should handle the lifecycle of sessions, ensuring efficient
* reuse and proper cleanup of resources.
public interface ITableSessionPool {
* Acquires an {@link ITableSession} instance from the pool.
* @return an {@link ITableSession} instance for interacting with the IoTDB.
* @throws IoTDBConnectionException if there is an issue obtaining a session from the pool.
ITableSession getSession() throws IoTDBConnectionException;
* Closes the session pool, releasing any held resources.
* <p>Once the pool is closed, no further sessions can be acquired.
void close();
4.2 TableSessionPoolBuilder 类
4.2.1 功能描述
TableSessionPool 的构造器,用于配置和创建 ITableSessionPool 的实例。允许开发者配置连接参数、会话参数和池化行为等。
4.2.2 配置选项
以下是 TableSessionPoolBuilder 类的可用配置选项及其默认值:
配置项 | 描述 | 默认值 |
nodeUrls(List<String> nodeUrls) | 设置IoTDB集群的节点URL列表 | Collections.singletonList("localhost:6667") |
maxSize(int maxSize) | 设置会话池的最大大小,即池中允许的最大会话数 | 5 |
user(String user) | 设置连接的用户名 | "root" |
password(String password) | 设置连接的密码 | "root" |
database(String database) | 设置目标数据库名称 | "root" |
queryTimeoutInMs(long queryTimeoutInMs) | 设置查询超时时间(毫秒) | 60000(1分钟) |
fetchSize(int fetchSize) | 设置查询结果的获取大小 | 5000 |
zoneId(ZoneId zoneId) | 设置时区相关的 ZoneId | ZoneId.systemDefault() |
waitToGetSessionTimeoutInMs(long waitToGetSessionTimeoutInMs) | 设置从池中获取会话的超时时间(毫秒) | 30000(30秒) |
thriftDefaultBufferSize(int thriftDefaultBufferSize) | 设置Thrift客户端的默认缓冲区大小(字节) | 1024(1KB) |
thriftMaxFrameSize(int thriftMaxFrameSize) | 设置Thrift客户端的最大帧大小(字节) | 64 * 1024 * 1024(64MB) |
enableCompression(boolean enableCompression) | 是否启用连接的压缩 | false |
enableRedirection(boolean enableRedirection) | 是否启用集群节点的重定向 | true |
connectionTimeoutInMs(int connectionTimeoutInMs) | 设置连接超时时间(毫秒) | 10000(10秒) |
enableAutoFetch(boolean enableAutoFetch) | 是否启用自动获取可用DataNodes | true |
maxRetryCount(int maxRetryCount) | 设置连接尝试的最大重试次数 | 60 |
retryIntervalInMs(long retryIntervalInMs) | 设置重试间隔时间(毫秒) | 500 |
useSSL(boolean useSSL) | 是否启用SSL安全连接 | false |
trustStore(String keyStore) | 设置SSL连接的信任库路径 | null |
trustStorePwd(String keyStorePwd) | 设置SSL连接的信任库密码 | null |
4.1.3 接口展示
* A builder class for constructing instances of {@link ITableSessionPool}.
* <p>This builder provides a fluent API for configuring a session pool, including
* connection settings, session parameters, and pool behavior.
* <p>All configurations have reasonable default values, which can be overridden as needed.
public class TableSessionPoolBuilder {
* Builds and returns a configured {@link ITableSessionPool} instance.
* @return a fully configured {@link ITableSessionPool}.
public ITableSessionPool build();
* Sets the list of node URLs for the IoTDB cluster.
* @param nodeUrls a list of node URLs.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue Collection.singletonList("localhost:6667")
public TableSessionPoolBuilder nodeUrls(List<String> nodeUrls);
* Sets the maximum size of the session pool.
* @param maxSize the maximum number of sessions allowed in the pool.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 5
public TableSessionPoolBuilder maxSize(int maxSize);
* Sets the username for the connection.
* @param user the username.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue "root"
public TableSessionPoolBuilder user(String user);
* Sets the password for the connection.
* @param password the password.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue "root"
public TableSessionPoolBuilder password(String password);
* Sets the target database name.
* @param database the database name.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue "root"
public TableSessionPoolBuilder database(String database);
* Sets the query timeout in milliseconds.
* @param queryTimeoutInMs the query timeout in milliseconds.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 60000 (1 minute)
public TableSessionPoolBuilder queryTimeoutInMs(long queryTimeoutInMs);
* Sets the fetch size for query results.
* @param fetchSize the fetch size.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 5000
public TableSessionPoolBuilder fetchSize(int fetchSize);
* Sets the {@link ZoneId} for timezone-related operations.
* @param zoneId the {@link ZoneId}.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue ZoneId.systemDefault()
public TableSessionPoolBuilder zoneId(ZoneId zoneId);
* Sets the timeout for waiting to acquire a session from the pool.
* @param waitToGetSessionTimeoutInMs the timeout duration in milliseconds.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 30000 (30 seconds)
public TableSessionPoolBuilder waitToGetSessionTimeoutInMs(long waitToGetSessionTimeoutInMs);
* Sets the default buffer size for the Thrift client.
* @param thriftDefaultBufferSize the buffer size in bytes.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 1024 (1 KB)
public TableSessionPoolBuilder thriftDefaultBufferSize(int thriftDefaultBufferSize);
* Sets the maximum frame size for the Thrift client.
* @param thriftMaxFrameSize the maximum frame size in bytes.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 64 * 1024 * 1024 (64 MB)
public TableSessionPoolBuilder thriftMaxFrameSize(int thriftMaxFrameSize);
* Enables or disables compression for the connection.
* @param enableCompression whether to enable compression.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue false
public TableSessionPoolBuilder enableCompression(boolean enableCompression);
* Enables or disables redirection for cluster nodes.
* @param enableRedirection whether to enable redirection.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue true
public TableSessionPoolBuilder enableRedirection(boolean enableRedirection);
* Sets the connection timeout in milliseconds.
* @param connectionTimeoutInMs the connection timeout in milliseconds.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 10000 (10 seconds)
public TableSessionPoolBuilder connectionTimeoutInMs(int connectionTimeoutInMs);
* Enables or disables automatic fetching of available DataNodes.
* @param enableAutoFetch whether to enable automatic fetching.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue true
public TableSessionPoolBuilder enableAutoFetch(boolean enableAutoFetch);
* Sets the maximum number of retries for connection attempts.
* @param maxRetryCount the maximum retry count.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 60
public TableSessionPoolBuilder maxRetryCount(int maxRetryCount);
* Sets the interval between retries in milliseconds.
* @param retryIntervalInMs the interval in milliseconds.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue 500 milliseconds
public TableSessionPoolBuilder retryIntervalInMs(long retryIntervalInMs);
* Enables or disables SSL for secure connections.
* @param useSSL whether to enable SSL.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue false
public TableSessionPoolBuilder useSSL(boolean useSSL);
* Sets the trust store path for SSL connections.
* @param keyStore the trust store path.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue null
public TableSessionPoolBuilder trustStore(String keyStore);
* Sets the trust store password for SSL connections.
* @param keyStorePwd the trust store password.
* @return the current {@link TableSessionPoolBuilder} instance.
* @defaultValue null
public TableSessionPoolBuilder trustStorePwd(String keyStorePwd);
5. 示例代码
Session 示例代码:src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/
SessionPool 示例代码:src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.iotdb;
import org.apache.iotdb.isession.ITableSession;
import org.apache.iotdb.isession.SessionDataSet;
import org.apache.iotdb.isession.pool.ITableSessionPool;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.IoTDBConnectionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.StatementExecutionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.pool.TableSessionPoolBuilder;
import org.apache.tsfile.enums.TSDataType;
import org.apache.tsfile.write.record.Tablet;
import org.apache.tsfile.write.record.Tablet.ColumnCategory;
import org.apache.tsfile.write.schema.IMeasurementSchema;
import org.apache.tsfile.write.schema.MeasurementSchema;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class TableModelSessionPoolExample {
private static final String LOCAL_URL = "";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// don't specify database in constructor
ITableSessionPool tableSessionPool =
new TableSessionPoolBuilder()
try (ITableSession session = tableSessionPool.getSession()) {
session.executeNonQueryStatement("CREATE DATABASE test1");
session.executeNonQueryStatement("CREATE DATABASE test2");
session.executeNonQueryStatement("use test2");
// or use full qualified table name
"create table test1.table1("
+ "region_id STRING ID, "
+ "plant_id STRING ID, "
+ "device_id STRING ID, "
+ "temperature FLOAT MEASUREMENT, "
+ "humidity DOUBLE MEASUREMENT) with (TTL=3600000)");
"create table table2("
+ "region_id STRING ID, "
+ "plant_id STRING ID, "
+ "temperature FLOAT MEASUREMENT, "
+ "speed DOUBLE MEASUREMENT) with (TTL=6600000)");
// show tables from current database
try (SessionDataSet dataSet = session.executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES")) {
while (dataSet.hasNext()) {
// show tables by specifying another database
// using SHOW tables FROM
try (SessionDataSet dataSet = session.executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES FROM test1")) {
while (dataSet.hasNext()) {
// insert table data by tablet
List<IMeasurementSchema> measurementSchemaList =
new ArrayList<>(
new MeasurementSchema("region_id", TSDataType.STRING),
new MeasurementSchema("plant_id", TSDataType.STRING),
new MeasurementSchema("device_id", TSDataType.STRING),
new MeasurementSchema("model", TSDataType.STRING),
new MeasurementSchema("temperature", TSDataType.FLOAT),
new MeasurementSchema("humidity", TSDataType.DOUBLE)));
List<ColumnCategory> columnTypeList =
new ArrayList<>(
Tablet tablet =
new Tablet(
for (long timestamp = 0; timestamp < 100; timestamp++) {
int rowIndex = tablet.getRowSize();
tablet.addTimestamp(rowIndex, timestamp);
tablet.addValue("region_id", rowIndex, "1");
tablet.addValue("plant_id", rowIndex, "5");
tablet.addValue("device_id", rowIndex, "3");
tablet.addValue("model", rowIndex, "A");
tablet.addValue("temperature", rowIndex, 37.6F);
tablet.addValue("humidity", rowIndex, 111.1);
if (tablet.getRowSize() == tablet.getMaxRowNumber()) {
if (tablet.getRowSize() != 0) {
// query table data
try (SessionDataSet dataSet =
"select * from test1 "
+ "where region_id = '1' and plant_id in ('3', '5') and device_id = '3'")) {
while (dataSet.hasNext()) {
} catch (IoTDBConnectionException e) {
} catch (StatementExecutionException e) {
} finally {
// specify database in constructor
tableSessionPool =
new TableSessionPoolBuilder()
try (ITableSession session = tableSessionPool.getSession()) {
// show tables from current database
try (SessionDataSet dataSet = session.executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES")) {
while (dataSet.hasNext()) {
// change database to test2
session.executeNonQueryStatement("use test2");
// show tables by specifying another database
// using SHOW tables FROM
try (SessionDataSet dataSet = session.executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES")) {
while (dataSet.hasNext()) {
} catch (IoTDBConnectionException e) {
} catch (StatementExecutionException e) {
try (ITableSession session = tableSessionPool.getSession()) {
// show tables from default database test1
try (SessionDataSet dataSet = session.executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES")) {
while (dataSet.hasNext()) {
} catch (IoTDBConnectionException e) {
} catch (StatementExecutionException e) {
} finally {