Node.js Native API
Node.js Native API
Apache IoTDB uses Thrift as a cross-language RPC-framework so access to IoTDB can be achieved through the interfaces provided by Thrift.
This document will introduce how to generate a native Node.js interface that can be used to access IoTDB.
1. Dependents
- JDK >= 1.8
- Node.js >= 16.0.0
- Linux、Macos or like unix
- Windows+bash
2. Generate the Node.js native interface
- Find the
file in the root directory of the IoTDB source code folder. - Open the
file and find the following content:<execution> <id>generate-thrift-sources-python</id> <phase>generate-sources</phase> <goals> <goal>compile</goal> </goals> <configuration> <generator>py</generator> <outputDirectory>${}/generated-sources-python/</outputDirectory> </configuration> </execution>
- Duplicate this block and change the
to this:<execution> <id>generate-thrift-sources-nodejs</id> <phase>generate-sources</phase> <goals> <goal>compile</goal> </goals> <configuration> <generator>js:node</generator> <outputDirectory>${}/generated-sources-nodejs/</outputDirectory> </configuration> </execution>
- In the root directory of the IoTDB source code folder,run
mvn clean generate-sources
This command will automatically delete the files in iotdb/iotdb-protocol/thrift/target
and iotdb/iotdb-protocol/thrift-commons/target
, and repopulate the folder with the newly generated files.
The newly generated JavaScript sources will be located in iotdb/iotdb-protocol/thrift/target/generated-sources-nodejs
in the various modules of the iotdb-protocol
3. Using the Node.js native interface
Simply copy the files in iotdb/iotdb-protocol/thrift/target/generated-sources-nodejs/
and iotdb/iotdb-protocol/thrift-commons/target/generated-sources-nodejs/
into your project.
4. rpc interface
// open a session
TSOpenSessionResp openSession(1:TSOpenSessionReq req);
// close a session
TSStatus closeSession(1:TSCloseSessionReq req);
// run an SQL statement in batch
TSExecuteStatementResp executeStatement(1:TSExecuteStatementReq req);
// execute SQL statement in batch
TSStatus executeBatchStatement(1:TSExecuteBatchStatementReq req);
// execute query SQL statement
TSExecuteStatementResp executeQueryStatement(1:TSExecuteStatementReq req);
// execute insert, delete and update SQL statement
TSExecuteStatementResp executeUpdateStatement(1:TSExecuteStatementReq req);
// fetch next query result
TSFetchResultsResp fetchResults(1:TSFetchResultsReq req)
// fetch meta data
TSFetchMetadataResp fetchMetadata(1:TSFetchMetadataReq req)
// cancel a query
TSStatus cancelOperation(1:TSCancelOperationReq req);
// close a query dataset
TSStatus closeOperation(1:TSCloseOperationReq req);
// get time zone
TSGetTimeZoneResp getTimeZone(1:i64 sessionId);
// set time zone
TSStatus setTimeZone(1:TSSetTimeZoneReq req);
// get server's properties
ServerProperties getProperties();
TSStatus setStorageGroup(1:i64 sessionId, 2:string storageGroup);
// create timeseries
TSStatus createTimeseries(1:TSCreateTimeseriesReq req);
// create multi timeseries
TSStatus createMultiTimeseries(1:TSCreateMultiTimeseriesReq req);
// delete timeseries
TSStatus deleteTimeseries(1:i64 sessionId, 2:list<string> path)
// delete sttorage groups
TSStatus deleteStorageGroups(1:i64 sessionId, 2:list<string> storageGroup);
// insert record
TSStatus insertRecord(1:TSInsertRecordReq req);
// insert record in string format
TSStatus insertStringRecord(1:TSInsertStringRecordReq req);
// insert tablet
TSStatus insertTablet(1:TSInsertTabletReq req);
// insert tablets in batch
TSStatus insertTablets(1:TSInsertTabletsReq req);
// insert records in batch
TSStatus insertRecords(1:TSInsertRecordsReq req);
// insert records of one device
TSStatus insertRecordsOfOneDevice(1:TSInsertRecordsOfOneDeviceReq req);
// insert records in batch as string format
TSStatus insertStringRecords(1:TSInsertStringRecordsReq req);
// test the latency of innsert tablet,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertTablet(1:TSInsertTabletReq req);
// test the latency of innsert tablets,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertTablets(1:TSInsertTabletsReq req);
// test the latency of innsert record,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertRecord(1:TSInsertRecordReq req);
// test the latency of innsert record in string format,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertStringRecord(1:TSInsertStringRecordReq req);
// test the latency of innsert records,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertRecords(1:TSInsertRecordsReq req);
// test the latency of innsert records of one device,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertRecordsOfOneDevice(1:TSInsertRecordsOfOneDeviceReq req);
// test the latency of innsert records in string formate,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertStringRecords(1:TSInsertStringRecordsReq req);
// delete data
TSStatus deleteData(1:TSDeleteDataReq req);
// execute raw data query
TSExecuteStatementResp executeRawDataQuery(1:TSRawDataQueryReq req);
// request a statement id from server
i64 requestStatementId(1:i64 sessionId);