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Way to get IoTDB binary files

IoTDB provides you three installation methods, you can refer to the following suggestions, choose one of them:

  • Installation from source code. If you need to modify the code yourself, you can use this method.
  • Installation from binary files. Download the binary files from the official website. This is the recommended method, in which you will get a binary released package which is out-of-the-box.
  • Using Docker:The path to the dockerfile is in new window


To use IoTDB, you need to have:

  1. Java >= 1.8 (Please make sure the environment path has been set)
  2. Maven >= 3.6 (Optional)
  3. Set the max open files num as 65535 to avoid "too many open files" problem.

Note: If you don't have maven installed, you should replace 'mvn' in the following commands with 'mvnw' or 'mvnw.cmd'.

Installation from binary files

You can download the binary file from:
Download pageopen in new window

Installation from source code

You can get the released source code from in new window, or from the git repository in new window
You can download the source code from:

git clone

After that, go to the root path of IoTDB. If you want to build the version that we have released, you need to create and check out a new branch by command git checkout -b my_{project.version} v{project.version}. E.g., you want to build the version 0.12.4, you can execute this command to make it:

> git checkout -b my_0.12.4 v0.12.4

Then you can execute this command to build the version that you want:

> mvn clean package -DskipTests

Then the binary version (including both server and client) can be found at distribution/target/apache-iotdb-{project.version}

NOTE: Directories "thrift/target/generated-sources/thrift" and "antlr/target/generated-sources/antlr4" need to be added to sources roots to avoid compilation errors in IDE.

If you would like to build the IoTDB server, you can run the following command under the root path of iotdb:

> mvn clean package -pl server -am -DskipTests

After build, the IoTDB server will be at the folder "server/target/iotdb-server-{project.version}".

If you would like to build a module, you can execute command mvn clean package -pl {} -am -DskipTests under the root path of IoTDB.
If you need the jar with dependencies, you can add parameter -P get-jar-with-dependencies after the command. E.g., If you need the jar of jdbc with dependencies, you can execute this command:

> mvn clean package -pl jdbc -am -DskipTests -P get-jar-with-dependencies

Then you can find it under the path {}/target.

Installation by Docker

Apache IoTDB' Docker image is released on in new window
Add environments of docker to update the configurations of Apache IoTDB.

Have a try

# get IoTDB official image
docker pull apache/iotdb:1.0.1-standalone
# create docker bridge network
docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= --gateway= iotdb
# create docker container
docker run -d --name iotdb-service \
              --hostname iotdb-service \
              --network iotdb \
              --ip \
              -p 6667:6667 \
              -e cn_internal_address=iotdb-service \
              -e cn_target_config_node_list=iotdb-service:10710 \
              -e cn_internal_port=10710 \
              -e cn_consensus_port=10720 \
              -e dn_rpc_address=iotdb-service \
              -e dn_internal_address=iotdb-service \
              -e dn_target_config_node_list=iotdb-service:10710 \
              -e dn_mpp_data_exchange_port=10740 \
              -e dn_schema_region_consensus_port=10750 \
              -e dn_data_region_consensus_port=10760 \
              -e dn_rpc_port=6667 \
# execute SQL
docker exec -ti iotdb-service /iotdb/sbin/ -h iotdb-service

External access:

# <IP Address/hostname> is the real IP or domain address rather than the one in docker network, could be within the computer.
$IOTDB_HOME/sbin/ -h <IP Address/hostname> -p 6667

Notice:The confignode service would fail when restarting this container if the IP Adress of the container has been changed.

# docker-compose-standalone.yml
version: "3"
    image: apache/iotdb:1.0.1-standalone
    hostname: iotdb-service
    container_name: iotdb-service
      - "6667:6667"
      - cn_internal_address=iotdb-service
      - cn_internal_port=10710
      - cn_consensus_port=10720
      - cn_target_config_node_list=iotdb-service:10710
      - dn_rpc_address=iotdb-service
      - dn_rpc_port=6667
      - dn_mpp_data_exchange_port=10740
      - dn_schema_region_consensus_port=10750
      - dn_data_region_consensus_port=10760
      - dn_target_config_node_list=iotdb-service:10710
        - ./data:/iotdb/data
        - ./logs:/iotdb/logs

    external: true

deploy cluster

Until now, we support host and overlay networks but haven't supported bridge networks on multiple computers.
Overlay networks see 1C2Dopen in new window and here are the configurations and operation steps to start an IoTDB cluster with docker using host networks。

Suppose that there are three computers of iotdb-1, iotdb-2 and iotdb-3. We called them nodes.
Here is the docker-compose file of iotdb-2, as the sample:

version: "3"
    image: apache/iotdb:1.0.1-confignode
    container_name: iotdb-confignode1.0.1-
      - cn_internal_address=iotdb-2
      - cn_target_config_node_list=iotdb-1:10710
      - cn_internal_port=10710
      - cn_consensus_port=10720
      - schema_replication_factor=3
      - schema_region_consensus_protocol_class=org.apache.iotdb.consensus.ratis.RatisConsensus
      - config_node_consensus_protocol_class=org.apache.iotdb.consensus.ratis.RatisConsensus
      - data_replication_factor=3
      - data_region_consensus_protocol_class=org.apache.iotdb.consensus.iot.IoTConsensus
      - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro
      - ./data/confignode:/iotdb/data
      - ./logs/confignode:/iotdb/logs
    network_mode: "host"

    image: apache/iotdb:1.0.1-datanode
    container_name: iotdb-datanode
      - dn_rpc_address=iotdb-2
      - dn_internal_address=iotdb-2
      - dn_target_config_node_list=iotdb-1:10710
      - data_replication_factor=3
      - dn_rpc_port=6667
      - dn_mpp_data_exchange_port=10740
      - dn_schema_region_consensus_port=10750
      - dn_data_region_consensus_port=10760
      - data_region_consensus_protocol_class=org.apache.iotdb.consensus.iot.IoTConsensus
       - schema_replication_factor=3
      - schema_region_consensus_protocol_class=org.apache.iotdb.consensus.ratis.RatisConsensus
      - config_node_consensus_protocol_class=org.apache.iotdb.consensus.ratis.RatisConsensus
      - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro
      - ./data/datanode:/iotdb/data/
      - ./logs/datanode:/iotdb/logs/
    network_mode: "host"


  1. The dn_target_config_node_list of three nodes must the same and it is the first starting node of iotdb-1 with the cn_internal_port of 10710。
  2. In this docker-compose file,iotdb-2 should be replace with the real IP or hostname of each node to generate docker compose files in the other nodes.
  3. The services would talk with each other, so they need map the /etc/hosts file or add the extra_hosts to the docker compose file.
  4. We must start the IoTDB services of iotdb-1 first at the first time of starting.
  5. Stop and remove all the IoTDB services and clean up the data and logs directories of the 3 nodes,then start the cluster again.


All configuration files are in the directory of conf.
The elements of environment in docker-compose file is the configurations of IoTDB.
If you'd changed the configurations files in conf, please map the directory of conf in docker-compose file.

log level

The conf directory contains log configuration files, namely logback-confignode.xml and logback-datanode.xml.

memory set

The conf directory contains memory configuration files, namely confignode-env.shopen in new window and datanode-env.shopen in new window. JVM heap size uses MAX_HEAP_SIZE and HEAP_NEWSIZE, and JVM direct memroy uses MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY_SIZE. e.g. MAX_HEAP_SIZE=8G, HEAP_NEWSIZE=8G, MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY_SIZE=2G

upgrade IoTDB

  1. Downloads the newer IoTDB docker image from docker hub
  2. Update the image of docker-compose file
  3. Stop the IoTDB docker containers with the commands of docker stop and docker rm.
  4. Start IoTDB with docker-compose -f docker-compose-standalone.yml up -d

boot automatically

  1. Add restart: always to every service of IoTDB in docker-compose file
  2. Set docker service to boot automatically
    e.g. in CentOS: systemctl enable docker

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